Genealogy terms and symbols used in this genealogy site:



 A:      age in years. Optionally: additional months and days
 B:  date / place of burial
 Ba:  date / place of baptism
 C:  child
 CC:  grand child
 D: , †, d  date / place of death, deceased
 F:  partner;  husband, wife, widow(er) separated by x, &
 G:  gender  M, F, ? 
 I:  date / place of immigration 
 M:  date / place of marriage
 N: , *  ,  b  date / place of birth
 N.N.  name not known  (Nomen Nescio)
 O:  occupation
 P:  parents
 pat.  paternal lineage
 Pi:   godparents, padrini
 PM:  grandparents mother's side
 PP:   grandparents father's side
 R:  residence
 S:  sibling
 W:  witness
 *1, *2, ..  first, second born child with the same first name